Speak, Even If Your Voice Shakes

Don’t be so committed to being nice that you don’t speak the truth.

You know those moments. Where you say “yes” when you really shouldn’t have. Or you accept treatment that you know you don’t deserve. Those moments where you go along with what is happening but spend hours after thinking about how you could have dealt with it differently.

Don’t just go along. Don’t just say yes because you don’t want to make people mad or sad. Part of living your best, most authentic life is knowing that something isn’t a good fit for you.

Sure, it looks amazing on the outside.

Sure, in the moment it didn’t look like a big deal to just go along with it.

Really though, it was. Or this post wouldn’t resonate as much.

You know that feeling. That feeling of stepping out of alignment with yourself. Where you allow someone to say something mean to you unchecked. Or you allow someone to push you in a direction you don’t want to go.

And I mean anyone. A boss, a parent, a friend, a significant other. Anyone. Anywhere.

You were mean to yourself. And you should stop doing that.

Speak up. Even if they get pissed, speak up. Even if they express feelings of hurt, speak up. Even if they stop liking you, speak up.

Speak up. Say what’s on your mind. Say your piece, even if your voice shakes.

Choose you.

Choose you always. Choose to live in alignment with yourself and your values.

It’s hard though. Super duper hard. And you aren’t accustomed to it so there is a huge learning curve for you.

Do it anyway. Speak.

Speak, even if your voice shakes.

You need to take care of yourself because others may not remember to take care of you.

It’s hard but necessary work.

As always though, don’t beat yourself up. It’s a process.

Be kind to yourself.

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