The Chime Of My Alarm Is Stressful

Perhaps the sound of my alarm on my phone gives me anxiety.

Or in any event, contributes to it.

Every time I hear that alarm it is generally in the morning before I have to start work and start the day, and all the things I have organized in my day.

I have a firm commitment to being productive.

But also the stress of being productive.

That's what the alarm reminds me of every single morning.

The chime is what my brain associated with commands like "get up".

It's the sound of interruption.

It's the sound of "you must now do".

I don't think that is the sound I want to live the rest of my life to.

But, it's also useful. It reminds me that sitting and doing nothing for extended periods of time has a consequence. And that I'm happier when I'm busy.

Not just the busy that is easy to say to people but the busy that leads to things getting done.

The right things getting done.

But the chime of my alarm may just be stressing me out.

And it may be stressing you out too.

Be kind to yourself.

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