Find your straw

The way I drink water changes regularly.

Some days it’s from large cups, too big to fit my hands. Other days, from small vessels that require me to get up every 15 minutes to refill them. Great for taking breaks, not so great for flow state.

Sure, the constant peeing isn’t spoken about enough but it’s good for you. Plus, yay to health during a global pandemic!

Since yesterday, however, I’ve been obsessed with drinking water from straws.

Sure, they’re reusable straws. But whether metal or hard plastic, they are true gems in this “stay hydrated, heifer” campaign of mine. Some days I find drinking water to be an uninspiring task. And well, that leads to me forgetting to do it as much as I need to. And let me be honest here, I’m totally gonna share that there are days where I don’t want any water at all.

So what’s making the difference now?

A straw.

Find your straw.

What is one thing you can add to your tasks or habits that moves doing it from “grr” to “yay!”?

Find your straw.

Always remember though, be kind to yourself.

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